Our Homestead
Living Tiny in Los Angeles
We believe in cultivating the sustainable life of your dreams at any size. For us, we have found comfort in a 225sqft THOW (tiny house on wheels). We began our downsizing journey in 2014 and committed to living tiny almost 4 years ago. We are partially off-grid situated in a residential neighborhood of Los Angeles, CA - powered by GoPower! Mobile Solar.
As we move forward with acquiring our own property to expand Creative Arts Farm, we are also making plans to offer mobile wellness, sustainability education, and music performances on the road! Our goal is to build out a shuttle bus conversion which we will utilize for sharing our farm mission in collaboration with other sustainable-minded and creative folx!
For more behind the scenes of our tiny homestead and our wellness offerings, subscribe to our free audio and visual newsletter "Sustainability & Self-Care" , where we share more about how we live sustainably, how you can begin your journey to low waste living, and more!
We look forward to Sowing Seeds of Wellness with you.
The Creative Arts Farm Family